Collage by Alan Levine from news web sites
"Weblogs Are Just Online Diaries" Notes: Blogs Are Just Online Diaries
- Google Search for headlines on blogs "online diaries" http://www.google.com/search?q=blogs+%2B%22online+diaries%22
- "Too Much Buzz on the Blogs" (Business Week, Nov 4, 2004)
- "Internet giants catch on to blogs Major portals provide services for online journals" San Francisco Chronicle, Sep 1, 2003
- "Blogs of War " Information Today, Feb 2005
- Once blogs 'change everything,' fascination with them will chill (USA Today, May 25, 2005)
- Exploding The Diary Myth Corante: Strange Attractor (Suw Charman)-- this quote sums up this presentation:
At the root of this problem is the confusion between the blog tool and the blog content. A blog is no more a diary than an empty notebook is a diary. Blogs become a diary when people use them to publish diary entries in the same way that a notebook becomes a diary when you write a diary entry in it. But an empty notebook can also be a sketch book, a novel, an exercise book, a dictionary, or an infinite variety of other things, depending entirely on content. Equally, a blog can also be a tool for disseminating important news, or a project log, or a team building tool, or a marketing tool, or whatever its user chooses to make it. In fact, blogs are a lightweight content management system which are easy to use, have strong archiving, cross referencing and search facilities, and are cost effective and flexible. That is what they are. A diary is what some people make them.
- "Blog On" Edutopia (June 5, 2005)
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