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"Blog Sites Full of Teen Angst" Notes: Blog Diaries Exist
- Blog Diary Examples
- how stupid i used to be. (by babycaramel)
- Step on The Stones
- Popular Teen Blog sites
- Xanga http://wxanga.com/
- LiveJournal http://www.livejournal.com/
- Random Blogger sites No accounting for taste or what you may find. A good number these days are set up by spammers where they can load their links sky high. Do they think that Google, who owns Blogger, is stupid enough not to filter them out?
- About.com Teen Blog listings http://weblogs.about.com/od/teenblogs/
- A parody of too much blogging: The Dullest Blog in the World
- Other diary-like blogs of interest:
- You may chalk it up to Star Wars fanaticism, but check out the depth and range of writing (and public comments at Darth Vader's diary: The Darth Side: Memoirs of a Monster ("Journal of Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith and Servant to His Supreme Excellency the Emperor Palpatine.")
- The Diary of Samuel Pepys "is a presentation of the diaries of Samuel Pepys, the renowned 17th century diarist who lived in London, England. A new entry written by Pepys will be published each day; 1 January 1660 was published on 1 January 2003. This site is run by Phil Gyford (who is far from an expert on Pepys) and questions and comments are more than welcome"
- The Diaries of Franz Kafka (1910-1923) via weblog.
- 2020 Hindsight is a re-presentation of the events surrounding the first testing (and use) of the atomic bomb 60 years ago, in 1945, using the time-and-date stamping format of weblogs.
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