More Than Cat Diaries: Publishing With Weblogs

Feed2JS site
Feed2JS web site by Alan Levine
Feed2JS Site Updates and RSS Feed Are Blog Published

Notes: Case Study 1: Feed2JS

This presentation is not about the Feed2JS site (see us later this week for the 5 minutes of fame!), but more about it, see an audio narrated overview (Breeze presentation) of how the site and service works with RSS feeds from the Maricopa Learning eXchange.

For the first year or two the site has been around, every update to the script was just manually edited by adding a new item to an HTML list.

A MovableType 2.661 weblog is used to publish two content files, not full web pages, but text files that are read into the page via a PHP include statement. The blog publishes the content that appears on the front page as the three newest updates, while the "archive" or all of the posts, are written to a file that is part of the content presented under "history"

Finally, the blog also publishes the updates as an RSS 2.0 feed

Since the updates can now be written just as the content of a blog posting, any new changes published are automatically updated in the web site.


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