More Than Cat Diaries: Publishing With Weblogs

Three Case Studies From Maricopa

  • Feed2JS: Publish content and RSS for updates
  • Low Threshold Applications: Blog tools simplify manual editing of web site
  • Cat Diaries: bending Blogger to do this presentation

Notes: Three Case Studies From Maricopa

The basis for this presentation is my own use of MovableType blogware to provide simpler and more featured web publishing, moving processes from manual HTML editing.

  • Feed2JS is a web service and free code we offer that allows ordinary humans to use the URL for RSS content, and convert it to a cut and paste line of JavaScript that is used to render content dynamically in any web page. I will demonstrate how I used MovableType to set up a quick and easy publishing scheme for updates that also automatically updated an RSS feed for the content.
  • Low Threshold Applications (LTA of the Week) is a project of the TLTGroup that offers short articles written to explain how faculty can use technology tools that are easy and low/no cost to use. Until last year, it was aweb site that has manually edited as HTML files, where updates required changes across multiple pages. By publishing in a blog we not only simplied that process, we added numerous other features not available in static files. I will be comparing the old and new site by features, and sharing how we used the blog tools to replicate the content in a more efficient and well designed site.
  • And thislovely presentation was crafted in a customized template in the free and public site. I will show how the templates were wrangled to get it functioning (if it functions!)

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